Choosing your Career Path
Choosing a career can be a daunting task. Many people regret their careers, making it much more important to consider the options available to them carefully. Knowing this, various ways exist to educate yourself on the different career paths available. As of 2024, there are currently 16 different career path clusters. These clusters are organized based on how the careers differ in skills needed, job function, and more.
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
This career cluster focuses on the production, processing, distribution, and economy of everything related to agriculture. This includes things such as grown crops, animal products, and more.
Architecture & Construction
This career cluster focuses on planning and designing new buildings. It also focuses on maintaining the entirety of the built environment.
Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications
This career cluster focuses on the production and exhibition of media content. This includes things such as journalism and performing arts.
Business Management & Administration
This career cluster focuses on everything business-related. It aims to organize and efficiently manage business activities and operations.
Education & Training
This career cluster focuses on education and teaching. It focuses on providing learning opportunities and support to people of all backgrounds.
This career cluster focuses on investing and finances. This includes things such as insurance, investing, and banking.
Government & Public Administration
This career cluster focuses on planning and carrying out government tasks. This includes the local, state, and federal levels. They focus on things such as taxes, revenue, and national security.
Health Science
This career cluster focuses on health services. This includes things such as therapeutic services. Aside from health services, it also focuses on carrying out medical research.
Hospitality & Tourism
This career cluster focuses on managing and marketing related to tourist attractions and activities.
Human Services
This career cluster focuses on providing mental aid, such as therapy and counseling. It also includes things related to consumer services and community.
Information Technology
This career cluster focuses on everything related to technology, such as marketing, production, maintenance, and more. This includes building and repairing technology systems.
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
This career cluster focuses on legal and protective services. It also focuses on things related to security and public safety.
This career cluster focuses on managing and processing materials for manufacturing and marketing purposes. It also includes other activities to support the manufacturing process, such as engineering and technical support and maintenance.
This career cluster focuses on planning and carrying out everything marketing and economy-related.
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
This career cluster focuses on everything related to math and science. This includes things related to scientific research and development, such as laboratory tests.
Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics
This career cluster focuses on everything transportation-related. It focuses on planning and creating transportation systems for people, materials, and other things that must be moved from one location to another. These transportation systems include railroads, planes, water, and others.